The CoaguChek® auto control system from Roche Diagnostics is guaranteed against all defects of functioning, manufacturing, or parts for a period of two years, beginning on the date of purchase.
Liability under this warranty extends only to the repair or replacement of defective parts or materials or to the replacement of the system purchased to the exclusion of all other claims, demands, actions, and remedies even if the defect, damage, or loss has been caused by negligence or other fault of Roche Diagnostics.
The warranty guarantees replacement of the system in the event of damage or any system malfunction that cannot be solved by means other than replacement of the components. This warranty replaces and supersedes any other warranty, whether expressed, implied, contractual, extra-contractual or statutory, respecting the named system, including but not limited to any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose.
This warranty shall not apply to a Roche Diagnostics system not installed and/or used according to the instructions or specifications thereof, or to a Roche Diagnostics system damaged by accident or subjected to alteration, misuse, tampering, abuse, and/or repair or attempted repair by someone other than Roche Diagnostics or an authorized agent.
In no event shall Roche Diagnostics be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to any personal or material damages or loss of use, revenue, or profit, even if the defect, damage, or loss is caused by the negligence or other fault of Roche Diagnostics.
This warranty is granted only to the first purchaser for use of the system and is not transferable.
The warranty is valid only if the name of the monitor and its serial number, date of purchase, and other requested information are entered on the attached Warranty card, which must be returned to Roche Diagnostics within thirty (30) days of purchase.
The warranty period is not affected by any claim made under the warranty.
If you have a claim under warranty, please call the following toll-free number: 1-877-426-2482