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Download CoaguChek® device manuals and package inserts
CoaguChek® INRange system
Download product manuals and inserts to learn more about the functions and features of the CoaguChek® INRange system.
Operator manual: CoaguChek® INRangePackage insert: CoaguChek® XS PT test strips
CoaguChek® XS system
Download product manuals and inserts to learn more about the functions and features of the CoaguChek® XS system.
Operator manual: CoaguChek® XSPackage insert: CoaguChek® XS PT test strips
Package insert: CoaguChek® XS PT controls
CoaguChek® Pro II
Download product manuals and inserts to learn more about the functions and features of the CoaguChek® Pro II system.
Operator manual: CoaguChek® Pro IIPackage insert: CoaguChek® PT test strips
Package insert: CoaguChek® PT controls
Package insert: CoaguChek® aPTT test strips
Package insert: CoaguChek® aPTT controls
CoaguChek® XS Pro
Download product manuals and inserts to learn more about the functions and features of the CoaguChek® XS Pro system.
Operator manual: CoaguChek® XS ProPackage insert: CoaguChek® XS PT test strips
Package insert: CoaguChek® XS PT controls