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Point-of-care (POC) INR testing
Test your patients’ INR safely and reliably in your office with the CoaguChek® Pro II.

POC INR testing enhances workflow and reduces workload
The process of getting an INR result or % Quick result via a lab can be very time-consuming for you and your staff. Once the lab result is received, each patient has to be contacted and informed of their current coagulation value. In many cases, a follow-up appointment is needed.
Compared with a test involving an external lab, using the CoaguChek® Pro II system for patient testing can greatly reduce the workload in a typical clinic or pharmacy.
You can gain time by optimizing your procedures:
- Rapid blood withdrawal from the fingertip (8 μL)
- Results available in under a minute
- Treatment adjustment possible immediately, if required
- No need to contact the patient again or to schedule a follow-up appointment
Another plus: The CoaguChek® Pro II system is portable, meaning you can benefit from more efficient INR results in nursing homes or during house calls.
POC INR testing may be more comfortable and convenient for patients
In order to determine the INR or % Quick value via the lab, blood must be drawn from the vein. Repeated vein puncture can be very uncomfortable for patients, which can in turn be stressful for staff.
INR determination with the CoaguChek® Pro II system offers you and your patients considerably greater comfort and convenience:
- Using a lancing device to draw a drop of blood from a fingertip is simpler and less painful than drawing blood to send to the lab
- Dosing adjustments can be made on the spot because test results are available within a few seconds
These factors mean patients can have their full treatment check-up in one appointment.

Method comparison between CoaguChek® PT and the thromboplastin reagent Innovin PT1

Source: Roche CoaguChek® Pro II Design Validation Study, data on file, 2005.
CoaguChek® systems provide lab-quality results
CoaguChek® devices have more than 25 years of proven quality.
The CoaguChek® Pro II system offers you not only precise test results and the ability to immediately adjust your patient’s treatment, but also reliable quality:
The CoaguChek® prothrombin time (INR) test method compares extremely well with a laboratory measurement (see graph)
Internal quality control and control of the test strips before each measurement ensure safety
Great precision and accuracy: international sensitivity index (ISI) of 1.0
Insensitive test strips with no heparin interference (insensitive to low molecular weight heparin [LMWH] up to 3 U/mL)
Unaffected by increased fibrinogen concentrations (up to 800 mg/dL) and low hematocrit values (15%–55%)1

Quality control with CoaguChek®
A permissible deviation from the stated target value has been defined for the parameter “thromboplastin time” with the % Quick unit. For individual control sample tests using the CoaguChek® Pro II system, the target determination is batch-specific. You will find the target information in the package insert.
As an additional service, we offer the option of finding the target values for your specific batches.
If your control or test strip batch number is not provided, please call the CoaguChek® Roche Care Centre. We will be pleased to assist you between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (EST), from Monday to Friday, at the toll-free number 1-877-426-2482.
Do you have questions about POC testing with the CoaguChek® Pro II system?
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